Journal Entries


So life has just become so interestingly boring. It makes me want to cry.

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Latest reply: Jan 3, 2000


I'm sorry to be annoying, but.......
I'm Blue da ba de da ba dy da ba de da ba dy
Singing makes me happy.

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Latest reply: Dec 1, 1999

Drinking Age

Today in New Zealand the drinking age was lowered to 18, beer was allowed to be sold in supermarkets and alcohol is allowed to be sold on Sundays. Which means more drunken louts littering the streets. More Scarfie parties.

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Latest reply: Dec 1, 1999


I think I'm in a really bad mood - and there's no explanation (except those upcoming exams that I haven't studied for). Scary, eh?

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Latest reply: Nov 30, 1999

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Nel Blu

Researcher U103030

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