This is the Message Centre for Multivac

Hey there

Post 1

Researcher 99947

Sorry... just thought that I should tell you that, as soon as I read your name, I imagined Lee Loo in The Fifth Element: Multi-Pass!

Welcome to h2g2, btw!

Hey there

Post 2


Although i am a beautiful woman worthy to wear that little orange thing sported in the movie, the nick-name is deeply rooted in Sci-fi but more alone the lines of Asimov. Ya he wrote about this computer that knew how to make life via bible style! Some cool stuff!

Hey there

Post 3

Researcher 99947

Nifty... here's a big assumption here (which I really shouldn't make, but what the hey)... are you a christian?

Hey there

Post 4


why? is that important? I picked the anem because I like the idea of a computer that has the abilities that God (or any other "high" being can do. Anyways yes i am...

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