This is the Message Centre for Gildor

Roleplaying Games - Help Wanted!

Post 21

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

It would be quite a trip! smiley - smiley I'm sure that things can be worked out with Gildor, however. He earlier expressed interest in an on-line game. Perhaps something could be started hereabouts... smiley - smiley

Roleplaying Games - Help Wanted!

Post 22


Indeed, if one could find out how to start one in the first place...

I haven't played in seven or eight months. I was DMing a game with players who showed up only semi frequently, and then I had to get a second job. smiley - sadface Kinda put a damper on things.

Of course, now I have some free time, and nobody to play with. Hmmph! Some people's kids. smiley - smiley

Roleplaying Games - Help Wanted!

Post 23

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

I've never DMed a game, and the last time I was able to play in one must be... what?... oh, some 7 or 8 years ago.

Roleplaying Games - Help Wanted!

Post 24

kats-eyes (psychically confirmed caffeine addict)

I'd be part of an online game, sure - as I said, played once via e-mail/chat already smiley - winkeye I just found my AD&D boxes again, never made it out of the suitcase since my last move smiley - winkeye

Luna, Skeleton - I didn't know you two had cats - nice names smiley - winkeye
My mothers tiny kittens are Tigger and Mena at the moment - mostly called "Rascal" (Gauner in german) and "Princess" though, more fitting...


Roleplaying Games - Help Wanted!

Post 25

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

You didn't know? I had three cats a while ago, but one died totally unexpectedly, way too young and without prior warning. smiley - sadface
So now two are left. smiley - smiley
I've had several others before the two I have now. The ones that were named Pooky, were mostly my favorites. It's almost as if the name triggers a certain kind of personality smiley - smiley

Roleplaying Games - Help Wanted!

Post 26

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Unfortunately, my apartment complex requires declawing of all four feet, so my cat is living with my parents in Wyoming, six hours away. smiley - sadface I only get to visit once a year. smiley - sigh The family who hosts the AD&D game has six cats, though, so I get bi-weekly fuzz therapy. smiley - smiley

Roleplaying Games - Help Wanted!

Post 27

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

Ah, that's comforting news. Still a pity you can't have your own cat at home, though.
I love fuzz & purr therapy... friends of mine had a cool joke about their very old cat (she was 20 years at that time):

When the animal was napping, the lord of the house would stroke her, and she would start to purr. Then he said: this is how to turn it on! smiley - smiley

Roleplaying Games - Help Wanted!

Post 28

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

smiley - smiley What a lovely joke! Cats can be such a comfort and a joy.

Back to subject, though: kats-eyes, since you've played in an on-line game before, would you mind advising us in how it worked? I think that we could get a good group together and have a blast! Also, do you think it would be best to run it in a forum or via e-mail? Either works for me. smiley - smiley What does everyone else think?

Roleplaying Games - Help Wanted!

Post 29

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

Oh, I'd LOVE to play again!!!

But I'm not even sure how to pull it off altogether... for instance: some things must be left to chance, how are you going to do that?

If you tell ME to roll a set of dice, how are you ever to be sure that I rolled the value I tell you? If YOU roll the dice, how do I know it's done fairly? Somebody must be a DM, and this person mostly rolls secretly, because nobody needs to know what decision follows which roll. But for the players that's a different thing.

If I'm to roll 3d6, and I do really roll 18, how am I going to prove that?

And there's another problem... in some cases the party will want to discuss their next move, you can't have each member do their own thing without prior discussion... they would start fighting among themselves before they made even their first move smiley - smiley

If discussions are to be done through email, that's going to be a lot of mail, and quite some time before each move is decided. If it's done in a forum, the forum will be huge within a few game-hours smiley - smiley

Oh shucks... Hear me... I've already started trying to find problems. I should stop this right away, and hear everybody out first smiley - smiley

Let's hear it!

Roleplaying Games - Help Wanted!

Post 30

Luna(Queen of Hearts)

OK, I'm not real sure how to go about this, but I have a suggestion about the forum/email thingy.
I know that most email servers offer chat rooms or clubs (there's an H2G2 one in yahoo-set up by MM i believe).
Anyway, one can create private rooms that only 'listed' people can enter. I don't know how this might work out with our schedules,
but it may be useful for "player discussion". Also, I think the dice dilema is going to be a trust issue.

Skeleton, I think anytime we play is going to cover a lot of hours. It's going to take patience sometimes.
If you're like me, you want to do things NOW, not in a little while.
My kids play on-line. Let me get with them about how they handle absent members/time.

BTW, ashes bites at certain people no matter how nice they are to her. It took her 2 yrs to decide my son was acceptable (in small doses).smiley - winkeye


Roleplaying Games - Help Wanted!

Post 31

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

The idea of a chatroom for online player discussion would be great.
I could set up such a thingy quite easily using the services of CJB-net (where I already have a redirector and guestbook for my regular homepage, and unlimited email-aliases).

Sure, a game will take lots of time... I've done realtime play and we took one evening (three or four hours) each week. We've been playing several months, and some of the "missions" took a month at least.

But what I meant to say is: if we're to discuss a move with all players over email or a forum, it will take even more time, because not all email-services are as immediate as others. Discussing it realtime (like in a chatroom) would help a lot.

I see Ashes really *acts* like an RB too! smiley - smiley My mothers RB "Mickey" was very picky. My mother could do anything without a problem. I could handle her if my mother wasn't there, as long as I was careful. The rest of the family had to stay away from her at all costs, lest they be scratched or bitten badly.

Roleplaying Games - Help Wanted!

Post 32

Luna(Queen of Hearts)

That's my baby!! She got run over two yrs ago, broke her pelvic bone in two places.
She's all better, but my daughter and I are the only ones who can pet/scratch her anywhere other than her head/ears.
My poor Grandmother loves cats, but Ashes won't give her the 'time of day'!
Oh, and she likes to sleep at the top of my pillow (top of my head). Either there, or in the bathroom sink.
Go figure! smiley - smiley

What is CJB-net? I'll have to see if I can find it.
Oh, I figured you knew that games take awhile. I was just thinking that we are seldom all on here at the same time.
I'm sorry, your location eludes me at present, but I'm in north central USA, It's 11:25pm EST. I've been home from work about 3 hrs.
Don't know. Maybe I'm creating problems where none exist. smiley - bigeyes

Roleplaying Games - Help Wanted!

Post 33

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

While writing this it's 5:45 AM here in holland. Does that help? smiley - smiley

For the off-topic part of this message, I'll move to a new thread on your page, ok?

Roleplaying Games - Help Wanted!

Post 34

Luna(Queen of Hearts)

Excellent idea!

Roleplaying Games - Help Wanted!

Post 35

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

I'll miss the cat bits. Cats have always been entertwined with roleplaying in my mind, but I understand moving the forum.

I really like the idea of the chatroom for player discussions. Good idea, Luna! And I agree that there's got to be a certain level of trust for this kind of game, just like the trust given to GM's by every player everywhere. I'm sure that there won't be any problem there. smiley - smiley

Anyone else?

Roleplaying Games - Help Wanted!

Post 36

Luna(Queen of Hearts)

Gw7en, feel free to drop in. I love visitors.
I am The Invisible Panther Page...
If your pc volume is on when you get there, you'll know why.
No pictures, furniture, but the rugs are comfy, and informal.
Dress is optional.smiley - winkeye
The forum is *our conversation in the RPG thread...*
Skeleton gets right to the point...LOL!
Hope to see you there.smiley - smiley


Roleplaying Games - Help Wanted!

Post 37

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

Did I miss out on the Pink Panther midi by not turning sound on? smiley - smiley

Roleplaying Games - Help Wanted!

Post 38

Luna(Queen of Hearts)

Yes! Sorry I forgot to mention it last night/ this morning. smiley - bigeyes
It was a gift from Looney. Much appreciated.

Roleplaying Games - Help Wanted!

Post 39


Topic police! Help! They're right over here! smiley - smiley

The Chatroom idea sounds excellent. And I agree, some trust does need to be afforded on both cases. E-Mail would be my other choice, though I only check mine once a day (SOME of us have to sleep, you know... smiley - winkeye ), and the DM might get swamped pretty easily.

Where and when would we get this game going?

Roleplaying Games - Help Wanted!

Post 40

Researcher 99947

Hello!!!! Hello!!!! Rabid RPG fan here!!!1 I don't want to be left out!! I love RPG video games, linear games, card games, books, etc.... I'm sure I have something to contribute!

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