This is the Message Centre for AGE

How old are you?

Post 1


G'Day AGE! smiley - smiley
Welcome to H2G2....
Most people around here think DNA is a really Hoopy Frood, so you should feel right at home! smiley - winkeye

So how old are you?

How old are you?

Post 2


DNA, say what????????
im 19 whats it to you?

How old are you?

Post 3


That's what they call Douglas Adams around these parts.....

I was enquiring about your AGE because that is your name and I was just making conversation! smiley - smiley

How old are you?

Post 4


oh ok i will let you off in that case, AGE is my nickname. what is the N for in dougals adams then (Dn?A)
Sorry if i sounded rude i'm having a bad week, so do you have a site here too????
it is pleasant to converse with you

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