This is the Message Centre for Lou Lou, Pauly and Karlito (Patron Saint of Senility, Triplets and Woking) Muuuhhhahahahahahahahaha......give me cheese and then
Secret Angel Business !!!
GOD Started conversation Aug 1, 2000
St.Peter - Hello Lou Lou, Pauly & Karlito !!!
I just popped around to give you your 'Access All Areas' Pass To Heaven !!!
I'm sure you know the Angels have always been known to enjoy the odd drink...
So See You There...
Secret Angel Business !!!
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Aug 2, 2000
*flutter of wings
Welcome to our happy band of Saints!
Welcome to our happy band of Saints!
Welcome to our happy band of Saints!
We needed a Patron Saint of Triplicates, well done, St. P!
We needed a Patron Saint of Triplicates, well done, St. P!
We needed a Patron Saint of Triplicates, well done, St. P.!
Hope to see you all around!
Hope to see you all around!
Hope to see you all around! Eat Grimsby Fish! Preferably in Cleethorpes!
Eat Grimsby Fish! Preferably in Cleethorpes!
Eat Grimsby Fish! Preferably in Cleethorpes!
Secret Angel Business !!!
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Aug 4, 2000
As you are the Patron Saints of Triplicates, it is my duty to inform you of a simultaneous, triplicate posting occurred at :- I hope you will go and investigate! Thank you!!
Secret Angel Business !!!
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Nov 12, 2000
[Herald of Heaven]
The All-Access pass to Heaven has been changed:
Towards the end, just above 'Enjoy' you will find a link to the Guardian Angels' egroup - it is a very good way to stay updated and informed about everything that goes on...
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Secret Angel Business !!!
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