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I've just been reading through "Sorry",11 weeks ago, in which I said I wasn't mad. I am actually not sure that this is the case. All things are relative, and I feel this includes madness. I think there should be a unit of madness, like there are units for resistance,pressure etc. Any suggestions?

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Latest reply: Feb 5, 2000


I love pizza! It's just the best food in the world! The Italians are to be praised for producing this wonderful gastronomic experience!

My GCSE mocks start next week. If you're passing and you don't dislike me too much,please wish me luck

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Latest reply: Nov 19, 1999


Sorry about the awful twaddle above, anyone who's reading this. I'm not really mad but like to pretend to be in order to confuse others.

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Latest reply: Nov 18, 1999


I know life is like a grapefruit, but isn't it similar to a pie as well? An outer crust of interestingness with a warm,slushy stuff inside. Funny,that

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Latest reply: Nov 18, 1999

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