A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A87816955 - On Painting Shakespeare's Landscapes

Post 1


Entry: On Painting Shakespeare's Landscapes - A87816955
Author: minorvogonpoet - U3099090

This was inspired by Willem's painting

A87816955 - On Painting Shakespeare's Landscapes

Post 2

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - applause

Very good!

lil x

A87816955 - On Painting Shakespeare's Landscapes

Post 3

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

A nice poem. smiley - smiley

A87816955 - On Painting Shakespeare's Landscapes

Post 4


Thanks smiley - smiley

A87816955 - On Painting Shakespeare's Landscapes

Post 5

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Now, if we can get Willem to send us that pic, we'll put them both together and make a Post entry. smiley - winkeye

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