A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A87735685 - Why are things in Space moving away from each other?

Post 1


Entry: Why are things in Space moving away from each other? - A87735685
Author: Ingersoll - U14995276

I was wondering about space and the information I read concerning the expansion of the universe and the accelerating apart of objects in it. When I dropped some ground cinnamon in a large bowl of water and observed that the finely ground cinnamon expanded apart very rapidly, I thought that perhaps space has a surface tension and the objects in it (stars & galaxies) are acting like cinnamon and expanding outward trying to equalize surface tension. The Young–Laplace equation relates the pressure difference to the shape of the surface, perhaps this can be applied to space surface curvature?

A87735685 - Why are things in Space moving away from each other?

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Hi, there. smiley - smiley What a fascinating question. I don't know why things in space are moving away from each other. I was always afraid it was something I said...

However, I think you want SEx.

(No, that's not an offer. We aren't that kind of website, except for 2legs and his bondage pony.) I'm referring to Science Explained: A4108330

I suspect there are many people over there eager to sink their teeth into this one. (They probably know maths, too.)

Unfortunately, this is where the fiction writers and poets hang out. Now, if you wanted to figure out how to build a short story around what was going on in the collective unconscious of all that cinammon...smiley - run

A87735685 - Why are things in Space moving away from each other?

Post 3


Thanks for the reply. Can I forward my question to them?

A87735685 - Why are things in Space moving away from each other?

Post 4

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Just click on <./>Askh2g2</.> and scroll down the page.

Then begin your own Ask thread on the subjectsmiley - ok

lil x

A87735685 - Why are things in Space moving away from each other?

Post 5

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Noodles! smiley - yikes

Just ignore my ramblings. Dmitri is pointing you in the right direction smiley - erm

*wanders back to bed*

lil x

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