A Conversation for Tails (revisited)

Tails (revisited)

Post 41

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Ah, that's where I've been going wrong, then. I've been submerging my head with a squid in my gas mask.smiley - smiley

Nice fresh squid isn't really that smelly anyway. Is it? People only run into serious squid-related problems when they hide them in hollowed out encyclopedias, and so on. Not at all a sensible tack to take.


Tails (revisited)

Post 42

Giguschild - Xenomorph(Muse of Honourable Death...and Mu.)

Hmm...maybe I would be an Oriental dragon...they are after all just one big tail, with limbs and jaws...

Tails (revisited)

Post 43

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Good choice!smiley - ok


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