A Conversation for Public speaking

A795657 - Public speaking

Post 21


Hi Zarq,

Thanks for all your help. Do you I should make further additions to the entry? Also how could I add other researchers to the researchers list for a collaborative entries...

Thanks.. do help me out here ...


A795657 - Public speaking

Post 22

Dr Hell

Hey newbie, wellcome...

It is a bit confusing to have two different threads on the same subject.

Please do the following:

1. Add something to your personal space

2. Delete the oldest thread.


A795657 - Public speaking

Post 23


Thanks I have made the changes........................smiley - smiley

A795657 - Public speaking

Post 24


Thanks I have made the changes........................smiley - smiley

A795657 - Public speaking

Post 25

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Ah, you've deleted this entry, Samarpita. I didn't see your earlier posting as I've been away for a bit.

I've had a quick peek at the new one and it seems much better organised. There are still some things which could be suggested to improve it in terms of organisation, such as putting in headings, as it seems to jump around in places.

I'll go to the entry another time and give you specific feedback, as it's getting late and I'm smiley - sleepy.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

A795657 - Public speaking

Post 26

Dr Hell

Bye Samarpita, see you in the other threads.

smiley - smileyH

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