A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A69595537 - Schrodinger's Cat

Post 1


Entry: Schrodinger's Cat - A69595537
Author: Sean - U14394438

I have no clue what you are looking for in an entry.

A69595537 - Schrodinger's Cat

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Hiya, Sean. smiley - smiley

I think that's a pretty concise description of the Schroedinger's cat situation. I feel sorry for that smiley - blackcat.

But we're the AWW, not the Edited Guide.

If you want to write a guide entry, full of fun-facts-to-know-and-tell, one that ends up in the Edited Guide...

...you send it to Peer Review.

Over here, we lunatics are writing essays, humor, fiction, even smiley - groan poetry...which may or may not end up in the Underguide, smiley - thepost, or just starting a long conversation, controversy, row, or joke-fest amongst the cognoscenti.

If you meant this to be over here, welcome.smiley - smiley (Even if you didn't, you're welcome. We like company.) We could try to help you make it funnier...

If you didn't, you probably want to send PR something longer, with more about the experiment and Prof Dr (Dr?) Schroedinger.

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