A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A2913798 - The Law's Ass

Post 1


Entry: The Law's Ass - A2913798
Author: Mike_Penny - U780827

Blind Justice in suspenders and kinky boots. Who'd have thought it?

A2913798 - The Law's Ass

Post 2


I agree with a lot of this - I also think that, in a democracy where the legal system is generally reasonable, saying that the entire system is flawed is quite dangerous, because it encourages people to think they might as well ignore the justice system, or deliver their own justice...

It's the same as portraying voting as useless.


A2913798 - The Law's Ass

Post 3


Apologies for the delay in getting 'round to a reply.

Thanks, as always for the comments. I agree with your sentiments entirely. One has to embrace some kind of legal system otherwise we risk anarchy and a vigilante culture - where's the democracy and freedom in that?

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