A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A102213 - Why add a page?

Post 1


Entry: Why add a page? - A102213
Author: Hardy Laurels - U46862

Wel its the truth aint it!He hasnt written anything for 4 years though so i dont know wether he is still even registered,is anybody?

A102213 - Why add a page?

Post 2

LL Waz

I am.
Still registered that is.

That's a neat little page smiley - laugh.

A102213 - Why add a page?

Post 3


huh?what so u changed ur user name?What my page is nice?

A102213 - Why add a page?

Post 4


You said

'i dont know wether he is still even registered,is anybody?'

I think Waz was responding to that 'is anybody', just answering the question you implied as to wether anyone is still registered. And the 'neat little page' bit was most likely in referance to 'Why add a page?', the entry you submitted, which is indeed both neat and little.

smiley - ok

smiley - orangefish

A102213 - Why add a page?

Post 5


uh huh

smiley - applause

thanks for explaining....but my page is nice too!

smiley - nahnah

And i hgave loads of good extras

smiley - ok

And im cool and im dozdim!
smiley - evilgrin
smiley - disco

A102213 - Why add a page?

Post 6


This is a rather insubstantial piece and I suspect that its time in here has brought it to the attention of as much of a wider audience as it is likely to get. Hardy Laurels is very much not here and since the page wasn't put in here by them anyway I see little reason not to move it out of this forum.

Oh, Dozdim if you are still subscribed, there is no insult intended to you. I assume you didn't know what type of writing is supposed to be put there when you submitted it. smiley - smiley

Agree, disagree, opinions, arguements. Anyone?

smiley - orangefish

A102213 - Why add a page?

Post 7

LL Waz

I agree with regret. I do like this entry but I don't see it going anywhere from AWW and it's been here a while now.

A102213 - Why add a page?

Post 8


Waz you seconded so you get to suggest the move to the group.


A102213 - Why add a page?

Post 9

LL Waz


Will do, though not tonight. I only meant to check for messages here and now it's after midnight. Going to have to work tomorrow too.

A102213 - Why add a page?

Post 10


Only reminding, not chivvying. smiley - smiley
I shall have to go to bed soon too.

Sleep well.

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