A Conversation for Flea Market

A1099721 - Worldwide terms for the sneeze sound and responds to sneezing

Post 1


Entry: Worldwide terms for the sneeze sound and responds to sneezing - A1099721
Author: A Perfectly Normal Beast - U168701

Some fascinating facts here - any linguists fancy doing some more research to make this entry even more worthwhile?


A1099721 - Worldwide terms for the sneeze sound and responds to sneezing

Post 2


I absolutely love this Entry! And the potential for related Entries is huge!

There must be somebody who knows what the sneeze sound is in Tonga, surely?! Just a few gaps (Mende, Malagasy and Swahili) and it's totally solid!

A1099721 - Worldwide terms for the sneeze sound and responds to sneezing

Post 3

Tom tamer of the lion

please let me take this on

A1099721 - Worldwide terms for the sneeze sound and responds to sneezing

Post 4

Kat - From H2G2

All you need to do is go to http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/test1099721 and copy and paste the code into a new entry page (don't include the bit at the top of the entry which says "ARTICLE" etc) and do what you would normally do with an entry.

You also need to make sure that you put the original author in. To do this, go to the author's Personal Space, copy and paste their Unumber into the "researchers" box at the bottom of the "edit entry" page.

Then edit to your heart's delight! Making sure you've read the Writing-Guidelines first of course smiley - winkeye

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A1099721 - Worldwide terms for the sneeze sound and responds to sneezing

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