A Conversation for Flea Market

A583841 - Introduction and Glossary of Terms

Post 1


Entry: Introduction and Glossary of Terms - A583841
Author: Cestus - U177822

Part of a University Project - see: F42014?thread=122974

Researcher: U177822 Cestus
Project Page: A580745 Cryptology

A583841 - Introduction and Glossary of Terms
A583850 - Codes
A583869 - Transposition Ciphers
A583878 - Monoalphabetic Ciphers
A583931 - Polyalphabetic Field Ciphers
A583940 - Mechanical Cipher Devices
A583959 - Electro-Mechanical Cipher Machines
A611254 - Electronic Code-Book Ciphers
A611272 - Block-Chaining Ciphers
A612280 - Asymmetric Ciphers
A608690 - The One-Time Pad
A612604 - Practical Cryptography
A613135 - Basic Cryptanalysis


A583841 - Introduction and Glossary of Terms

Post 2

SashaQ - happysad

I am interested in this, but see that a lot of it has been covered in the Guide since the project was started.

A70357386 The Trouble With Ciphers Edited 42%
A1315919 Modern Cryptography - Methods and Uses
A653276 The Enigma Cipher Machine
A9837183 Sir Francis Bacon and the Baconian Cipher

There's still some that isn't covered in those Entries, though, so I will see how I can pull that together into one Entry, or perhaps into a couple of Entries...

Took a bit longer than anticipated because my printer applied a transposition cipher to the document, so my first task was to recover the order of each section from the ciphertext 1,3,2,4,5,7 etc smiley - laugh

A583841 - Introduction and Glossary of Terms

Post 3

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

If you do anything with one-time pads, be sure to check out and mention Leo Marks:


Marks should get a prominent place if you do British cryptography. He was a major force during WW2.

Oh, and you need to work in somewhere a reference to his famous poem, 'The Life That I Have', which he gave as a code to Violet Szabo of SOE.


A583841 - Introduction and Glossary of Terms

Post 4


An entry by Sasha that was inspired by this project is on the FP todaysmiley - wow:
A87859381 - Codes and the Zimmermann Telegram

Has everything in this project has now been covered by the Edited Guide and so it no longer needs to remain in the Flea Market, or is there still untapped areas that could inspire potential new entries?


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