A Conversation for Flea Market

A567362 - Great Opera Houses of the World

Post 1


Entry: Great Opera Houses of the World - A567362
Author: Azara - U172739

Previously submitted as a Uni Project:

Researcher: U172739 - Azara
Project Page: A581546 - Great Opera Houses of the World

Along with:
A591806 - The Paris Opera
A593651 - The Mariinsky Theatre, Saint Petersburg - Home of the Kirov Opera and Ballet
A582167 - La Scala Opera House, Milan
A582662 - The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London
A582653 - The Metropolitan Opera, New York
A582644 - The Vienna State Opera
A591879 - Wagner's Opera House - Bayreuth, Bavaria
A582671 - The Sydney Opera House


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A567362 - Great Opera Houses of the World

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