A Conversation for Peer Review
A88030848 - 'An Action Hero' - the Film
SashaQ - happysad Posted Jun 8, 2023
This sounds like an intriguing film indeed Thanks for writing about it for h2g2
The two 'despite's in the last sentence of the introduction are tricky - maybe could be two or three sentences.
"which they proceed to do" -
The geography is twisted indeed... So Maanav's house is in Wootton and he goes to the corner shop in Ventnor, then he teleports back to Wootton when the police arrive at his house, and then runs away back to Ventnor?
"teleporting back to the Isle of Wight and parking in a National Trust car park off the Military Road near Freshwater." -
"In the pub he arranges to buy from Sai dashcam footage from cars parked near his house that it was Bhoora, not him, that shot the police" - I see from the Character table that Sai is the pub's chef. Who is in the three-way fight?
The Qaadir situation is complicated, too - Qaadir is killed by Bhoora?
"heads to London while Man hangs around where Ventnor Pier used to be and up the cascades." - a fragment of a sentence?
"news readers clearly are not constrained by laws of neutrality, as week as a news report " - can you include an example of what the newsreaders do/say?
"hurt or be disrespectful to any …place…" - that is a comprehensive disclaimer. I'm worried that the simile is insensitive - is Bajrangi Bhaijaan a film that does that because of actual military conflict?
A88030848 - 'An Action Hero' - the Film
Bluebottle Posted Jun 9, 2023
It is definitely an intriguing film and well worth watching, though having knowledge of the Isle of Wight helps/hinders you appreciate it from a different angle.
I've made some tweaks to hopefully make things clearer and toned down, though sadly I cannot comment on 'Bajrangi Bhaijaan' as that isn't a film I have seen. Hands up, while 'An Action Hero' isn't the first film in Hindi I've seen - I think that was 'Lagaan'? - you could probably count the number of Hindi films I've watched on one hand.
But even without the Isle of Wight connection it made a nice, refreshing change from the Hollywood superhero film plot of vs Skybeam.
A88030848 - 'An Action Hero' - the Film
SashaQ - happysad Posted Nov 11, 2023
Excellent tweaks to the plot section - even more funny!
"a three-way fight before Bhoora forces Maanav to hold the new combatants hostage" - who are the new combatants? Qaadir and accomplices?
"heads to London while Maanav hangs around " - still a fragment of a sentence?
I've only seen a couple of Hindi films myself - Lagaan was one I got it from Netflix when it was the DVD club
I've not seen 'Bajrangi Bhaijaan' but it showed up when I searched for films set in Pakistan but filmed in India.
A88030848 - 'An Action Hero' - the Film
Bluebottle Posted Nov 14, 2023
Thanks again for reading through this entry, I've made a couple of minor tweaks to hopefully clarify matters.
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A88030848 - 'An Action Hero' - the Film
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