A Conversation for Leanne's Party

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Post 21


Hi, I'm coming again. What you are gonna do with us two guys, Leanne my dear? Hope you have some real heavy metall music!

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Post 22

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

*trying to swallow her cheese roll*.... theres a stack of CD's over by the CD player Ive brought a bit of everything so go take a peek smiley - smiley

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Post 23

mad bitch


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Post 24

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Hey helen smiley - smiley you'll have to fight with Trillans Child and Wonko for the CD stack *looks over at them* good luck smiley - winkeye

Thanks for coming and Ive got my camera so the first person to hit the floor its on tape smiley - biggrin

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Post 25

Shana Trax

Well, well, well, Here's the birthday girl

smiley - kiss on both cheeks, Dah-ling...

For you my dear, smiley - gift

And for me I think smiley - bubbly

Thank you for your welcome earlier smiley - smiley and the invite. Have noted already that there seem to be more parties than guide entries. Excepting those that are about parties. Hmmm. An excellent smiley - bubbly balance.

I used to not drink before lunchtime but it's technically always before lunchtime somewhere in the galaxy so that rule had to go.

Oooo look a drink, I think we've met before you know, must go and introduce myself to Mr smiley - bubbly

Will float past later far a spin with one your suave gentlemen guests and a good natter (unfortunately am actually supposed to be, ahem, *whispers*, working smiley - cry)


S x

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Post 26

Richard Cranium {with nothing witty in brackets}

Happy Birthday Leanne! Thanks for stopping by my space! Here's a little poem about parties in general:
Where ever I try to place my guests,
They always like my kitchen best.

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Post 27

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Hi Brit smiley - hug thanks for the poem smiley - smiley come in and meet some people and have a good time *hands brit smiley - bubblysmiley - smiley

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Post 28

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

*takes smiley - gift* you shouldnt have smiley - smooch thanks for coming

smiley - biggrin its a celebration one sneaky drink wont hurt smiley - drunk

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Post 29


smiley - smiley
If TC doesn't like heavy metall, we can agree on something else. Maybe "Celebration" would be good.

I have to be careful with drinks, each time I got drunk on a party, I got a new girlfriend.

How old do you get, sweet Leanne, 19 years young? Too old to rock'n'roll? Then next year I'm twice as old as you are. Oh my god, am I old. But too young to die.

I always dreamt of doing a striptease on a party. Would you like one? Everybody says YES. Hmm. smiley - smiley

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Post 30

Shana Trax

Your right. It just wouldn't be sociable would it.

I'll just have one small table of drinks before getting back to the grindstone.

smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

Ahhhh. Ooooo. Hicc, Mmmmmm

Grrreeaaattt Paaarrtteeee Wooooo,,, Ugh.

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Post 31


Here is my present for you:

--------------------smiley - smiley---------------
-------smiley - smiley----smiley - smiley---smiley - smiley---smiley - smiley--------
---smiley - smiley---smiley - smiley-----------smiley - smiley----smiley - smiley------
--smiley - smiley------------------------------smiley - smiley---
----smiley - smiley--------------------------smiley - smiley----
-------smiley - smiley--------------------smiley - smiley----
----------smiley - smiley--------------smiley - smiley----
-------------smiley - smiley--------smiley - smiley----
----------------smiley - smiley--smiley - smiley----
-------------------smiley - smiley--

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Post 32


It's what I hereby name a double heart. For you, Leanne.

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Post 33

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

smiley - blush aww thats sweet smiley - kiss thanks

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Post 34


Are you feeling good, darling?

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Post 35

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Im feeling wonderful thanks smiley - smiley are you enjoying yourself

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Post 36


Yes my dear! smiley - smiley

I'm having some baguette and imagine having some red wine. And soon I'm going to have some real things. Which? That depends. But most likely good ones.

Here's to you!

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Post 37

mad bitch

hey leanne your party rocks!!!! gis a hug!!!! im feeling really drunk!!!!

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Post 38

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

smiley - hug hey you are smiley - biggrin Im glad your having a good time

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Post 39

mad bitch

didnt i happen to mention that you look fabulous. is that an armani?
what age are you?
where abouts in the world are you? im joining you from belfast northern ireland!!!!!!


Post 40

mad bitch

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