A Conversation for Whose Line Is It Anyway?

Questions only (game one)

Post 841


Is that like being simulposted?

Questions only (game one)

Post 842


Or is it something to do with book-keeping?

Questions only (game one)

Post 843


You can't carry on like that, can you? CAN YOU?

Questions only (game one)

Post 844


Can't I?

Questions only (game one)

Post 845


OK how much do you want to avoid another simulpost joke? smiley - yikes

Questions only (game one)

Post 846

Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki

Is one coming?

Questions only (game one)

Post 847


Can't we find out how much he's willing to offer first?

Questions only (game one)

Post 848

Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki

What's the reserve price?

Questions only (game one)

Post 849


A bar of smiley - choc?

Questions only (game one)

Post 850

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

What kind of smiley - choc?

Questions only (game one)

Post 851


Isn't that being rather fussy?

Questions only (game one)

Post 852

Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki

could I have a smiley - cake instead?

Questions only (game one)

Post 853


What kind of smiley - cake?

Questions only (game one)

Post 854

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Isn't it you who's being fussy now?

Questions only (game one)

Post 855

Saint Acolyte Hezher - P. S. of Chocoholics, Keeper of Chocolate, muse of death by chocolate, Seraph of death by chocolate

Can I join in? Can I have that smiley - choc if no one wants it?

Questions only (game one)

Post 856

Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki

Can I not have the smiley - choc and the smiley - cake or is that just greedy?

Questions only (game one)

Post 857


Do you want to try the smiley - chocsmiley - cake and smiley - stout challenge?

Questions only (game one)

Post 858

Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki

How many points is it worth on the Weight Watchers diet?

Questions only (game one)

Post 859


You watch your weight?

Questions only (game one)

Post 860

Granny Weatherwax - ACE - Hells Belle, Mother-in-Law from the Pit - Haunting near you on Saturday

Do you watch it go up or down?

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