A Conversation for Flea Market

A405000 Lester's Diner

Post 1

Husker B.

Too many people travel the world and eat Mc Donald's when they get there(Especially Americians abroad. but that's a subject for another rant). Places like Lester's are a dying breed in the increasingly plastic place that is America. South Florida, being so newly developed has been heavily victimised by the purveyors of pink strip malls filled with Starbuck's Coffee houses. My hope for getting this piece edited is preserve a piece of my history in the minds of others, in the hopes that they to can see how good life can really be when people are just interested in a good meal and a little conversation.

A405000 Lester's Diner

Post 2

Dr. Funk

Hello there.

Like Princess Bride said on the conversation entry for the article itself, I think this is a really good start to an entry. The one general thing that I think may bar it from being entered is the tone of the article, which is more laudatory than informative. I understand your desire to immortalize Lester's--I myself am a big supporter of diners wherever I go, and your entry has inspired me--but the better way to do this might be to tell us more about Lester's itself, and less about how you feel about it. At the end of your article, what I remember are the factual details you provide: the gigantic cup of coffee that serves as Lester's advertisement to the world, the "Bowl of Coffee." This leads me to believe that Lester's is really cool enough to speak for itself, and that maybe you as the author should stand back and let it do this.

I say this also because there's a certain danger to being too hyperbolic about Lester's: you run the risk of having people avoid Lester's altogether on the grounds that it's too campy (the line about American Kitsch points in that direction), or perhaps, you may have people going to Lester's for the wrong reason, which is to gawk at what they may perceive as the backwardness of it all rather than appreciating it or revelling in it. I think that for some foreign tourists, and even many American tourists, the diner is seen as kind of tacky and honky-tonk (and I mean in the dilapidated carnival rides way, not in the Hank Williams way), and we, as diner enthusiasts, must do all we can to dispel that notion.

Meanwhile, next time I'm in the Ft. Lauderdale area, I'll have my eyes peeled for that giant cup of coffee.

A405000 Lester's Diner

Post 3

Martin Harper


Details, details, details. I'd like more of them! smiley - smiley

{oh, and you need to scrap the "I"...}

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Post 4

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Post 5

The HitchHiker's Guide To The Galaxy Spaced Out Edition

now included in Spaced Out Guide at A996339.

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Post 6


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