A Conversation for Roman Military Ranks

A33518171 - Ranks

Post 21

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

Another thing I've noticed is that your paragraphs look a little odd I think it's smiley - ok if you put the next sentence straight after the full stop instead of pressing the enter button first. I hope you follow my drift.

A33518171 - Ranks

Post 22

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

Entry: Ranks - A33518171
Author: Bob Stafford. ACE smiley ; - Keeper of The Treacle Shadow - Support the Beeblecasters @ A29805636 - U3151547

A33518171 - Ranks

Post 23


No sorry smiley - erm

A33518171 - Ranks

Post 24


Hi everyone I have decided to give it a go here to open it up to more comment.
Thanks to you all here it has been a great help so farsmiley - smiley


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