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A29656795 - American Muscle Cars, Part I: Introduction and Orgins

Post 1

The H2G2 Editors

Entry: American Muscle Cars, Part I: Introduction and Orgins - A29656795
Author: Cosmicdudeman-Thingite Minister of Certain Substances, LFG - U3715074

A labour of love for somebody

A29656795 - American Muscle Cars, Part I: Introduction and Orgins

Post 2


This has potential - especially if you combine the article with the short sections in the others in the project:
A29656795 American Muscle Cars, Part I: Introduction and Orgins
A30284183 American Muscle Cars Part II: Start Your Engines,1960-1963
A30570725 American Muscle Cars Part IV: Birds, Fish, and Horses, Oh My; Pony Cars
A31776212 American Muscle Cars Part VI: Down, But Never Out; Aftermath and Legacy

(There doesn't appear to be a Part III)


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A29656795 - American Muscle Cars, Part I: Introduction and Orgins

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