A Conversation for Greebo And Oss's Word Game!!!

The Club House

Post 181


*Limps back into room clutching her ribs, nursing a broken arm and covered in bruises*

WOW! smiley - bigeyes That was a most enjoyable afternoon!

*Pours herself a wee drinkie and flakes out in a chair*

The Club House

Post 182


Gwennie, i think you might need to slow down a bit on that poor gift, looks as if he is wearing you out smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish

The Club House

Post 183


*Gives a tired, but wicked grin*

You should see the condition of my gift!!!! smiley - winkeye

The Club House

Post 184

Researcher 99947

hehe... I can only imagine smiley - winkeye

The Club House

Post 185


smiley - bigeyes
So, who will run this place whilst Greebo is otherwise occupied??
shazz smiley - winkeye

The Club House

Post 186


*Gwennie points to virtual Greebo sitting in the corner.....*

I think it should do the trick as long as we throw the odd doughnut it's way! smiley - winkeye

The Club House

Post 187

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

ROFLOL. smiley - smiley

The Club House

Post 188


*Winks at Alicat*

We could play hoopla, using this virtual Greebo and some doughnuts to pass the time until the real Greebo's return......... smiley - winkeye

The Club House

Post 189


Me would much prefer you to throw real doughnuts at the real Greebo... ~grin~

The Club House

Post 190


*Tosses Greebo a huge doughnut ring*

Catch! smiley - smiley

The Club House

Post 191


~Greebo rolls over onto her back... catches the ring doughnut with her left front paw... tosses it again... onto her front right paw..~

The Club House

Post 192


*Applauds as Greebo then performs a backwards leap through the doughnut before nonchalantly munching away at it* smiley - smiley

The Club House

Post 193


Is me clever or what???

The Club House

Post 194


What? smiley - winkeye

Oh, I see! Yes - clever you!

I bet you couldn't do a double summersault, back flip through the doughnut and then eat it all before you land, gracefully on the ground...

*Produces a very large doughnut and flips it into the air*

The Club House

Post 195


~Greebo does a double summersault and back flips through the doughnut.... then eats it all before landing... gracefully on the ground... ~

Is that what you meant Gwennie???

The Club House

Post 196


Err, yes. I suppose so...

Do you mind if I get my camcorder out and film you? We could send it off to "You've Been Framed" and divide the £200 between us... smiley - smiley

The Club House

Post 197


Ohhhhhh... ~grin~... good idea... me could do a lot with £199.50

The Club House

Post 198


Ah! So that was where the 50p John found on the ground outside our house came from! I might have known... smiley - winkeye

The Club House

Post 199

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

LOL. smiley - smiley

The Club House

Post 200


Hey... that 50p must have rolled out of my Garfield Backpack... give it back...

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