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A2148653 - Fascinating Facts, Flim Flam, Flannel and Flapdoodle for Festive Functions

Post 1

The Shepherd

Entry: Fascinating Facts, Flim Flam, Flannel and Flapdoodle for Festive Functions - A2148653
Author: The Shepherd - U177217

Fascinating Facts, Flim Flam, Flannel and Flapdoodle for Festive Functions.

A2148653 - Fascinating Facts, Flim Flam, Flannel and Flapdoodle for Festive Functions

Post 2

AK - fancy that!

smiley - rofl


"12. There are 7.43 million different words in the King James Version of the Holy Bible. There is only word repeated in the entire book and that is "orange"."
is the word "one" missing?

A2148653 - Fascinating Facts, Flim Flam, Flannel and Flapdoodle for Festive Functions

Post 3

The Shepherd

Good spot ! I'll correct

Happy Christmas to you

smiley - zen

A2148653 - Fascinating Facts, Flim Flam, Flannel and Flapdoodle for Festive Functions

Post 4

LL Waz

"The oceans would be a lot deeper if it wasn't for all of the sponges on the seabed." smiley - laugh

and we wouldn't have any more hose pipe bans if people would just stop cultivating leeks.

A2148653 - Fascinating Facts, Flim Flam, Flannel and Flapdoodle for Festive Functions

Post 5


This is too good! I haven't laughed like that since listening to a George Carlin CD!

smiley - aliensmile

A2148653 - Fascinating Facts, Flim Flam, Flannel and Flapdoodle for Festive Functions

Post 6


I enjoyed that. Festive silliness is just what I wanted today.

Many thanks for putting it in here and merry Christmas.

smiley - holly

A2148653 - Fascinating Facts, Flim Flam, Flannel and Flapdoodle for Festive Functions

Post 7


They wouldn't be biological fascinating facts would they? smiley - biggrin

A2148653 - Fascinating Facts, Flim Flam, Flannel and Flapdoodle for Festive Functions

Post 8


Great fun smiley - laugh. (Though probably best appreciated by Brits.)

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