A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A2124758 - Mission Impossible (or at the very least aggravating)

Post 1


Entry: Mission Impossible (or at the very least aggravating) - A2124758
Author: useless hound - U214221

There's something about Tesco...

A2124758 - Mission Impossible (or at the very least aggravating)

Post 2


Hi Boots.

Sorry I didn't comment when this was in the post. It doesn't seem right somehow to comment in any detail in the paper.

I do like this. It is funny and so instantly recognisable. Part of the charm is that the elements are so general and that is where much of the humour is located. And you do it supremely well, painting the scene with deft and careful detail. You also have masterful control over the pace of it, the rising confusion and hysteria of this type of piece. Wonderfully orchestrated.

I do think that this one needs something extra though. The canvas of general and hysterical (in both senses) is the perfect backdrop to paint a character or a moment of reality. Something specific against the stock characters will give the reader a focus for identification and sympathy. It would also allow you to make a point, add another layer of humour and generally be smartarsed.

Great tag line too, you always do those well.

I do hope you are planning something seasonal for next week. smiley - biggrin
smiley - orangefish

A2124758 - Mission Impossible (or at the very least aggravating)

Post 3


Thanks Speckly. As ever you are right a central focus would help. Will think about that for next time. It made a change from the usual ramble though.
As for next week...couldn't I cheat and re-submit this one?
A930601 smiley - winkeye
No you won't let me get away with it will you!
take care

A2124758 - Mission Impossible (or at the very least aggravating)

Post 4


A problem known to all who no longer live with their parents. Very well said, and great use of humour.

You might want to mention something about the actual shopping itself though, as well as just the queue. For instance other peoples children emptying the shelves into Mum's trolley, or the three old ladies that push their trolleys along the aisle side by side at 0.2mph, ensuring access to the homebaking section is totally impossible. And don't forget the weekly re-modeling of the store to be absoloutley certain that you cant find anything you went in for, not to mention Dale winton over in aisle 6 filming supermarket sweep, and therefore restricting access to fresh poulty unless you are a VIP. Maybe talk about the experience of trying to return something at the customer service desk.

What you've written is very comical, and certainly hits home for a lot of people, but you could go so much further just by stretching into those other areas of the supermarket.

A2124758 - Mission Impossible (or at the very least aggravating)

Post 5


Thank you. Very old post ramble but appreciate your comments and have taken note. You are so right about the shopping trolleys and the kids. Will work on it upon my return.
Take care

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A2124758 - Mission Impossible (or at the very least aggravating)

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