A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A13721429 - White Horses. Poem: As the red sunset shepherds home, clouds of fleecy lambs, Gray dusk settles down to rest, on golden ribboned sands, A moon soars summer mellow in the diamond light Of silver sequin stars threaded in vel

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Entry: White Horses. Poem: As the red sunset shepherds home, clouds of fleecy lambs, Gray dusk settles down to rest, on golden ribboned sands, A moon soars summer mellow in the diamond light Of silver sequin stars threaded in velvet night - A13721429
Author: rose-quartz - U3934921

I wrote this poem to portray the seaside sunsets and the wild nature of the seas tides. I hope that you will enjoy reading this poem. Best wishes Rose xx

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A13721429 - White Horses. Poem: As the red sunset shepherds home, clouds of fleecy lambs, Gray dusk settles down to rest, on golden ribboned sands, A moon soars summer mellow in the diamond light Of silver sequin stars threaded in vel

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