A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A13192346 - Stolen Tears

Post 1


Entry: Stolen Tears - A13192346
Author: rose-quartz - U3934921

This poem is a tribute to a little girl who was killed recently in a new 'conflict ' It is also a tribute to her father whose grief was so raw it spoke to the world. If only the 'leaders of the countries involved' would listen to that fathers grief

A13192346 - Stolen Tears

Post 2


Rose, such a sad poem. In few words you say so much

A13192346 - Stolen Tears

Post 3


Hello Chips Thanks for the lovely compliment.I saw this very sad story on the news,her father was so grief stricken.It was heart breaking to see. I felt I had to write a tribute to that little child and her father. Best wishes Rose xx

A13192346 - Stolen Tears

Post 4


Hello Chips With Reference to the Sibford nickname

Post 5


I apologize for that mistake. I owe you an explanation, please don't worry I'm not a 'multiple poster' or a ' troll ' I came to h2g2 from the Radio 4 Messageboards. I had to change my nickname to Rose-quartz to join h2g2 'Officially' smiley - smiley Rose x

Hello Chips With Reference to the Sibford nickname

Post 6


Sibs and Rose are the same person smiley - smiley

Hello Chips With Reference to the Sibford nickname

Post 7


I hope you have forgiven me smiley - smiley I have no wish to decieve anyone,especially you. I still remember your very kind comments on my poem 'The Pearl' in 'Poetry Conversation' I still use 'Sibford' for the Poetry Corner Messageboard. Best wishes Rose x

Hello Chips With Reference to the Sibford nickname

Post 8


There is nothing to forgive, Rosesmiley - smiley

I'll try to find you on the poetry board. I like R4, it's a good forum


Stolen Tears

Post 9


Hello Chips, Thankyou, you have eased my mind,I was worried about ' my identity crisis' as I didn't want to be mistaken for a 'troll' I f you're interested in visiting 'Poetry Corner' click on 'sibford' &then click on 'Stolen Tears' from 'Arts' Rxx

Stolen Tears

Post 10


Hello Chips, Just a quick ps. Those 'links' should take you straight there, there are plenty of good poems to read and you can also write poetry or comment on poems smiley - smiley I've brought you some ice cold lemonade, smiley - bubblyfor your journey theresmiley - smileyx

Stolen Tears

Post 11


Thank you Rose. And for the smiley - brrsmiley - bubbly

I took a peek some time ago at the poetry corner. You all seem to get on well. But, thanks for the invitation, and I hopefully I'll pop by.

Oh, just a thought, I'll have to set up another account won't I ?

Stolen Tears

Post 12


Hello Chips, On the poetry corner membership info,it says you only have to sign in once for all sites.I know though that doesn't apply to h2g2 as I found out,but I once 'posted' on the culture thread as rose quartz.so you should be ok smiley - smileyRose x

Stolen Tears

Post 13


Thanks Rose. Better watch my ps and qs on the Arts boardsmiley - bubblysmiley - choc

Stolen Tears

Post 14


Oh! You've made mesmiley - smiley If you had seen what was 'floating' about a couple of weeks ago when we had a troll 'winterwasp' invasion,you might have blushedsmiley - smiley he has gone 'for now' but there are still a couple of 'learner trolls' hovering (I think)

Stolen Tears

Post 15


I do know what you meansmiley - blush

Those trolls get everywhere

They get on my nerves

Stolen Tears

Post 16


I know what you mean,its usually not to bad on 'Poetry Corner' but this one was 'really bad' he invaded every board under several guises&was 'really nasty to everybody.They're using numbers now that you can check to see who people are. Rose xx

Stolen Tears

Post 17


I know

Stolen Tears

Post 18


I have written a list of the numbers of the people I know I can trust, smiley - blush so I think I've become an 'official saddo' but it did help at the time. smiley - smiley Best wishes Rose xx

Stolen Tears

Post 19


Some people I trust.

With others its mind games - 'I know that you know that I know you know'smiley - sadface

Bye. Another hot day, keep the iced lemonade comingsmiley - cool

Stolen Tears

Post 20



This is what poetry should be. Thank you for sharing.


PS: I apologize for not chiming in sooner. Everyday life can be such a drain on one's time and resources.

PPS: Hi Chips! smiley - winkeye

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