A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A1119197 - True Love = No Contact?

Post 1

Daniel Watkins

Entry: True Love = No Contact? - A1119197
Author: Odd_Bloke - U235674

Got rejected from Peer Review. *sniff*

Well, savage this all you want, I'm quite interested to see how it turns out. :D

A1119197 - True Love = No Contact?

Post 2

a girl called Ben

Well, there is sex, there is f**king, and there is making love, but you seem to be talking about only one of these things.

For me, all three are the continuation of the conversation by other means.

You assume that physical beauty is the only fuel to desire.

This may be true of men (though it certainly isn't true of all men). However it is not true of women. There are gorgeous men I would never sleep with, because they just don't flick the switch in my mind; and none of the men I have slept with have been oil paintings, but each and every one of them touched me in ways that were more than physical.


A1119197 - True Love = No Contact?

Post 3

LL Waz

"Lust is caused by physical contact or knowledge of physical appearance." Or words, or music, or scent, even taste so I've heard...=> True Love = no sense at all! QED smiley - winkeye

I think words alone, with no knowledge of physical appearance or physical contact can create desire. And love without any physical contact or sight seems an unsatisfying thing. It would be unreal to me. True Love would have to be real.

A1119197 - True Love = No Contact?

Post 4

wild rose uk

The true love you describe is the platonic love that a parent has for its child. A love that continues despite distance, hate and terror. A love that sex would destroy. True love in an adult relationship could not last without physical contact. You would find desperation and bitterness eventually destroy true love and leave only habit. People stay together for decades from habit but it's not love.

I'm sorry to say it, but...

Post 5


... this is a seriously depressing thread!

Where did you get your definitions of true love anyway?

nobody gave me one! smiley - sadface

3 am

Post 6

Daniel Watkins

I need to stop writing random things at 3 in the morning. :D Got me into a whole lotta trouble on some forums.

Incidentally, I don't believe a single word of what I wrote, it just presented itself as a vaguely logical argument in my mind (which isn't saying much).

5 PM - Over here...

Post 7


I can relate smiley - online2long

5 PM - Over here...

Post 8


The logic is as thin as my housemate. I don't see it making the UG. Might tickle a CACler?

Suggesting a move.

5 PM - Over here...

Post 9


Yup, another Valentines Day special

Seconded for a move

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