A Conversation for Not a Secret Member of the Secret Elite

Hitchhiker's Guide

Post 1

Secretly Not Here Any More

Despite my urging for the past 6 years, Laura's never really engaged with Douglas Adams' work (not helped in part by my refusal to allow the recent Dirk Gently travesty to be played in my home). She gave up on the books, has no interest in the radio series, and was nonplussed by the film ("Martin Freeman's playing Martin Freeman then?").

So I'm left with one final gambit. The slightly shonky 80s TV adaptation. I prepared her for the terrible special effects with some 70s Doctor Who, then dived straight in with episode one.

Initial reactions appear to be promising. The special effects are still terrible - she couldn't quite believe that this came out after The Empire Strikes Back - but she finally understands why I despise Mos Def's horrendous attempt at playing Ford Prefect. All in all, she's enjoying it so far.

We'll see if this early positivity can withstand exposure to Zaphod's plastic head.


Hitchhiker's Guide

Post 2

Sho - employed again!

I loved the radio show, and the TV series.

But here's the thing: I thought the film was truly awful. I really don't like it at all.

And I don't actually like the books beyond the first one. (although the writing is brilliant. DNAs writing is awesome, truly. But read the Dirk Gently books instead)

smiley - run

Hitchhiker's Guide

Post 3

Secretly Not Here Any More

All adaptations of "Life, The Universe and Everything" come across more as (bad) Doctor Who than h2g2. Probably because it's a hasty rework of a DNA Doctor Who script (Doctor Who vs The Krikkitmen). And "Mostly Harmless" is a miserable slog, punctuated with the odd bit of genuine flair or wit.

But I won't hear a word said against the other three!

You're right about the film though. I can enjoy it for what it is - a Hollywood treatment of a familiar story - but it's by far the weakest adaptation of the Guide. If it wasn't for Sam Rockwell and Martin Freeman putting in great performances, I'd be unable to watch it.

Hitchhiker's Guide

Post 4

Sho - employed again!

it's that Zooey Junglecamp or whatever she's called that ruins it for me, mostly. And Zaphod's head. I could be wrong but I'm sure the description has it at the side of his other head which leads to much merriment. But that's not the dealbreaker for me. It's that flippin' woman, because Martin Freeman might be playing Martin Freeman (who I love anyway) but I know he can do other brilliant stuff.

She just plays Katy Perry or so it seems.

Hitchhiker's Guide

Post 5

Secretly Not Here Any More

There's a film trope personified by Zooey Deschanel and her ilk. "Manic Pixie Dream Girl."


Basically, she's pitched at being smiley - snork fodder for nerds. Unlike Trillian in the books, who's about the only capable person there.

Hitchhiker's Guide

Post 6

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

ah the great dumbing down of trillion

Hitchhiker's Guide

Post 7

Secretly Not Here Any More

Three episodes in and she's taken Zaphod's head in her stride. Marvin's as good as I remember, but smiley - bleeping hell, how bad is TV Trillian?

Who on Earth looked at the character and said "sod the astrophysicist, let's whack her in something with a load of leg and tit on show, and have her talk like an airline stewardess?"

Hitchhiker's Guide

Post 8

Sho - employed again!

but somehow still not as toe curlingly awful as film Trillian, somehow.

Hitchhiker's Guide

Post 9

Secretly Not Here Any More

I don't know. I'm inclined to put TV Trillian right at the bottom of the pile.

Hitchhiker's Guide

Post 10

Sho - employed again!

you really can't imagine the depth of loathing I have for all Katy Perry-alikes smiley - smiley

Hitchhiker's Guide

Post 11

Secretly Not Here Any More

I suppose you're not their target audience. In the pub once, we were rattling round ideas for films we'd like to see. My friend decided he'd pay £9 to go and watch Katy Perry snogging Megan Fox in 3D for two and a half hours. smiley - erm

Hitchhiker's Guide

Post 12

Sho - employed again!

seriously? your mate goes for plastic women. Pfft.

Hitchhiker's Guide

Post 13

Secretly Not Here Any More

My mate's 27 years old, works in the Argos stockroom and lives in his mother's attic. He's not had a girlfriend in the 11 years I've known him.

Take from that what you will...

Hitchhiker's Guide

Post 14

Sho - employed again!

take the lad out and introduce him to some real people...

Hitchhiker's Guide

Post 15

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

or... and this is just an alternative if socialising him dosn't work

lock him in the attic

Hitchhiker's Guide

Post 16

Secretly Not Here Any More

We've tried everything. Introduced him to loads of people. He's just hopeless.

Hitchhiker's Guide

Post 17

Sho - employed again!

27, eh? that falls into my age range... smiley - winkeye

Hitchhiker's Guide

Post 18

Secretly Not Here Any More

You could've mentioned that at the meet! smiley - laugh

Hitchhiker's Guide

Post 19

Sho - employed again!

rofl... as it happens I'll be in Manchester this evening...

Hitchhiker's Guide

Post 20

Secretly Not Here Any More

If this is a roundabout way of propositioning me, you need to do a bit better! smiley - biggrin

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