A Conversation for Games Room

Boys v. Girls

Post 29241

Gingersnapper+Keeper of the Cookie Jar and Stuff and Nonsense

= 1584 + ~ Send them to North Korea and they will give them real short shift.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? American Tourists ?

Boys v. Girls

Post 29242


Puts me in mind of signs I was seeing about town, Riverside, CA, early 1970s, reading "Beware of Cat".

Wondering whether that were a joke, I asked to meet the cat.

The cat proved to be a cross sired by a Persian tom on a wild, short tailed American bobcat.

Superficially he looked like a Persian tom, had muscles like banded steel and about twice the girth of an average house cat, never velveted his paws.

He had a social space like about one's own height, plus an arms length, plus another step and a hand's breadth.

If anyone stepped inside that radius, he attacked, moving the entire distance from his starting position to target and back to his starting position in about 6/50ths of a second and one would be standing there bleeding, while the cat, not even breathing hard, appeared not to have moved.

At any rate, the "Beware of Cat" sign, was not a joke.

Sympathies on your migraine, Herenna.

Sometimes I get headaches that start usually in the right front parietal region, then migrate clockwise around the crown.

1582 smiley - tea

Boys v. Girls

Post 29243


smiley - simpost1583

Boys v. Girls

Post 29244

Herenna - southpaw for now

1584 it's okay, just annoying when it's self-inflicted (as it was today). Usually right-sided, but sometimes it switches as it goes full blown. No nausea this time (just about treated that bit in time) just dyslexia, every sense turned up, the censor off, and a small amount of pain.

That'd be a fun night out for some people. smiley - laugh

Okay, let's see if I can get this postcard fit to be sent before the morning.

Boys v. Girls

Post 29245

Herenna - southpaw for now

Gingersnapper, if this place was mine to do with as I pleased, and I had all the money ever needed, there'd be a trapdoor just in front of the front door, over a chute into an oubliette. smiley - winkeye

Boys v. Girls

Post 29246


Myself, I tend to think in terms of giant sized scaled up mousetraps constructed of steel pipe and driven by heavy automotive shock absorber springs.

Boys v. Girls

Post 29247

Gingersnapper+Keeper of the Cookie Jar and Stuff and Nonsense

+ 1584 + Sounds like a winner on both sides of the door, Herenna.
. . . . . . . . . . ITIWBS: Not too subtle there. .. ...

Boys v. Girls

Post 29248


In my early childhood years my parents were always careful to protect me from religious influences, so I never realized that the was such a thing as religion until I began meeting kids with religious backgrounds during my early elementary school years.

By that time, I' already read the myths of the Greeks And the Romans, the old Norse tales, miscellaneous British, Polynesian and native American fairy tales, besides Grimm's fairy tales and the basic foundation literature of the Buddhist tradition.

It was only then I got onto the Bible.

I later went on to make studies of the Hindu and Islamic traditions.

I'm reminded of C.G. Jung commentaries on his own studies of cult and religious phenomena to the effect that if he didn't understand there symbolism and idiom he couldn't understand and treat his patients as effectively as he might otherwise.

For my own part, that I study religion, or for that matter, politics, does not mean that I necessarily endorse.

A special point on my own outlook, I'm somewhat autistic and not as prone to emotionalism as most.

After a time I began developing a syncretic outlook.

The tale of Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess in the foundation of Shinto is substantially the sane story as Jack the giant killer, told from the point of view of his mother's intimates instead.

The Korean versions of Aesop's fables are more detailed and intelligible than Aesop.

The old Norse tales are an apocryphal Genesis beginning shortly before the creation and continuing to shortly after the flood, told from the point of view of the Gods themselves.

Religion, for me, is an issue of fascination, not passion.

Boys v. Girls

Post 29249


smiley - biro...however...smiley - orib


Boys v. Girls

Post 29250

Herenna - southpaw for now

1584 smiley - tea

Boys v. Girls

Post 29251

Herenna - southpaw for now

Cold coffee after releasing a postcard into the wilds of the postal system, to make or lose its way to Oz.

Boys v. Girls

Post 29252


1:45pm PDT

Slept late, after being awake late last night.

Just when I thought the laptop was final!y stabilizing, thr wireless adapter software destabilized and I had to reinstall it, my own fau!t, I'd made a settings change knowing that might happen.

Fell asleep about 3:30am woke about 11:00am, having smiley - coffee and a with cream cheese and bilberry jam along with the meds I missed last night.

Mail is put away by this time and I suppose I need to drive the 12 miles to the post office to collect it.

Boys v. Girls

Post 29253

Herenna - southpaw for now

1585 L
Tonight was the last but one full lesson of Polish until the autumn (if the second year runs).

It went well, maybe not perfectly but at least less of a struggle than it was in September. One of the people who'd dropped out whoed up tonight - it turns out that whe hadn't given up trying to learn - but a tendon injury made getting to the class too difficult to reliably manage. smiley - sigh

The thing is, if she's up for trying the second year, there's probably just about enough people to keep the class viable. smiley - grovel

Grabbed a drink at a Polish restaurant after class, but have to edge past a group of male East European 20 somethings to see the pricelist. They told me (in Enlich that the wine was very good, I replied in English that I preferred vodka - d'oh! Could've easily said all of that in Polish except that my head refused to switch languages in time.

Boys v. Girls

Post 29254

Gingersnapper+Keeper of the Cookie Jar and Stuff and Nonsense

+ 1586 + smiley - tea Late ~ It is a scorcher today. Will be less so tomorrow . .. ...

Boys v. Girls

Post 29255



smiley - coffee, then shopping and I'm skint, so juggling smiley - groan

Boys v. Girls

Post 29256


Midnight snack time, then sack time.

Busy day tommorrow.


Boys v. Girls

Post 29257

Herenna - southpaw for now

1587 Shopping (out of bread), pool time (my sanity demands it, as does the flab), Him Indoors really liked the flowers, need to find my payment card and top it up... smiley - run

Boys v. Girls

Post 29258



Shopping done, leccy got, so that is the basics and I am happy with that, Mum kindly threw a bottle wine over from her trolley to mine after going through the check out so that is nice luxury.

Boys v. Girls

Post 29259

Herenna - southpaw for now

1589 Shopping done, remainder of rose wine tidied up, no pool time today. smiley - tea

Boys v. Girls

Post 29260

Gingersnapper+Keeper of the Cookie Jar and Stuff and Nonsense

+ 1590 + Had dentist visit and came home and slept through smiley - tea time ~ But now having a nice earl grey black tea with some lovely honey I bought from a framers out door market Sunday … ~ smiley - tea ~

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