A Conversation for Games Room

Song Title Conversation Game

Post 17961

Reality Manipulator

Black Is Black 1977 - Belle Epoque


Song Title Conversation Game

Post 17962

Reality Manipulator

Cool For Cats (Lyrics) - Squeeze


Song Title Conversation Game

Post 17963

Rudest Elf

Coolsville - Rickie Lee Jones

smiley - reindeer

Song Title Conversation Game

Post 17964


Ghost Town - The Specials

Déjà vu, from 1981.


Song Title Conversation Game

Post 17965

Rudest Elf

How odd! I posted Gene Pitney's 'Town Without Pity' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkRyfcCYCgk soon after your last... and I've been waiting patiently ever since. smiley - weird

Under the present rosy circumstances, I think this one is more appropriate:

Soul Limbo - Booker T & The MGs

smiley - reindeer

Ps I'm ill just now and may not get back to you straight away.

Song Title Conversation Game

Post 17966

A T Hun

Soul Finger" The Bar-Kays.

Song Title Conversation Game

Post 17967

Rudest Elf

smiley - smiley

Soul Sacrifice - Santana (live Woodstock)

(Sadly, wickle Warner has removed the best video from YouTube smiley - sadface )

smiley - reindeer

Song Title Conversation Game

Post 17968

Herenna - southpaw for now

My Sacrifce - Creed

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