A Conversation for Hello There!

This city grows weirder by the day

Post 1


I've just passed a Roma busker playing his violin in the street.

Ok, so there's nothing so very unusual about that. At least, not until I realised he was playing the theme from "Murder She Wrote". smiley - weird

If this day keeps being so surreal I'm going back to bed. Or to the pub.

This city grows weirder by the day

Post 2

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Bed in the pub, that would be both turely surreal and most wonderously conforting, not to mention convenient... smiley - zensmiley - weirdsmiley - musicalnote If only we had anything quite so interesting here, in the centre of town, with buskers.... now the sun's come out, we've had a string of tallentless guitarists and singing to 'entertain' us, as we wonder round by the market smiley - headhurts and.... actually... Is it possible to have a 'too surreal' town/city? surrealer the betterer in my opinion smiley - zen More dwarf plummbers, and strange street entertainers I say smiley - zensmiley - grovelsmiley - weird

This city grows weirder by the day

Post 3


We have our talentless guitarists too, of course.

I'll wager the Belfast posse all know the guy with the cowboy hat and the portable amp. He plays "House Of The Rising Sun", and "The Fields of Athenry", and "I Walk The Line"...and if it wasn't for the words changing nobody would know which song was which. smiley - headhurts

Although I've never noticed the dwarf plumbers. Maybe that just goes to show how crafty they are!

This city grows weirder by the day

Post 4

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Cambridge is nicely excentric in parts... Or in parts it has excentric people anyhow... Or, I guess, some people have excentric parts to them smiley - huhsmiley - headhurts
Off out to the pub tonigh twith one very excentric person in fact... hmmm... OK... two then, if I include myself smiley - snorksmiley - weird If only I could make my mind up as to what the weather is doing, adn decide what to wear... I think its too warm for a corsett with the army boots and black jeans, and black long leather coat... and probably too 'ordinary' a day for wearing a babydoll smiley - erm Actually I think just a regular black cotton shirt... with some black jeans, and black leather army boots, and my black leather jacekt... hey, that's almost colour coordinated smiley - cool
The excentric shoudl be encouraged as a fine addition to the dynamic and extensive fabric of the cloth that is our society smiley - zen I bet we'll meet a couple of total bus-nutters in the pub... though often the presence of my excentric friend, who I'm going to the pub with, does kind of make their weirdness/excentricness/bus-nutteryness look less weird, comparatively speaking... smiley - weirdsmiley - ale

This city grows weirder by the day

Post 5

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

We used to have accordions here in Tullamore, but I've not seen them for a good few months now.

Dublin has some interesting ones: I have a photo I took of a guy with an upright piano in the middle of Grafton Street, but then, you get all sorts on Grafton Street.

TRiG.smiley - whistle

This city grows weirder by the day

Post 6

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Oh Talking of pianos, a great one here a few years back; the council deposited various upright pianos, and I think soem grand ones too, about in the city... all over the place... a kind of art installation I guess... just there, for anyone to play... that was kinda weird... smiley - weird

This city grows weirder by the day

Post 7


smiley - laugh I was just about to say that - they did it here, too!

This city grows weirder by the day

Post 8

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Maybe a wider 'project' than I thought then... (the piano thing) smiley - weird

OH... by the market today... a guy with a guitar.... and doing what, for want of a better word, I shall, reluctantly, have to call 'singing' smiley - ill Truely aweful.... smiley - laugh

This city grows weirder by the day

Post 9

Malabarista - now with added pony

The other week, there was a Klezmer orchestra in full swing in Carrickfergus town hall, playing with the doors open to the street. Very unexpected.

This city grows weirder by the day

Post 10

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

The nicest I ever recall was years and years ago... quite possibly when I was still a student (between 1997 and 2000 would be my guess)... It was cold, maybe even snoing, and jsut before Christmas and I was going through the Cambridge rail station to get the train back to my Dad's, and there was a small string trio or quartete (I forget which), just on the platform at the station playing smiley - musicalnote and they were clearly pretty professional musitions and knew what they were doing smiley - coolsmiley - weird

This city grows weirder by the day

Post 11


Today was too rainy for walking around town and eccentric-spotting I just...um. Would it be unwise to say in a thread 2legs has posted to that I just went up Joy's Entry for lunch? smiley - facepalm

This city grows weirder by the day

Post 12

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - snorksmiley - laughsmiley - blush perfectly safe.... so says the person who managed to create an entire new Euphamism on twitter today, when I commented soemthign along the lines of 'the wind is rattling my letterbox'.... smiley - erm well... it was... the wind was blowing outside and the letterbox kept banging... smiley - snorksmiley - rofl

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