A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Your first day ...

Post 21


Are we including first days for jobs when you only actually worked one day before handing in your notice?


Your first day ...

Post 22

Baron Grim

I did. smiley - biggrin

Your first day ...

Post 23

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

When I as a student intern, I used whatever desks/tables/computers were available at the time.

Your first day ...

Post 24



Paper round, pickle label, metal work, tomato greenhouse, fast food restaurant, supermarket, fast food restaurant, powertool company, bank, other bank, university – excluding temping and babysitting but including part time and summer jobs – 11.


Your first day ...

Post 25


Ah, so we're essentially comparing pulverbatches?

Paper boy, glass collector, bakery operator, sales assistant in electrical retailer (3 different branches of the same chain, plus brief secondment to branch of another chain), barman/bar manager, leaflet distributor, charity collector, income tax office clerical assistant, sales assistant in another electrical retailer, nuclear decommissioning design engineer, council survey taker, drinking water analysis chemist, environmental and process engineering consultant (contract), nuclear decommissioning design engineer again, environmental and process engineering consultant (staff), chocolate factory designer, project manager/process design engineer.

So I've had 20 "first day" experiences. Can't say I clearly remember any of them.

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