A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat

Ligers and tigons

Post 41

Brown Eyed Girl

Faiting goats always make me laugh. When they're excited, all their muscles tense up and they fall over. It's so funny watching them at feeding time.

Ligers and tigons

Post 42

A Super Furry Animal

>> **buzz**

Disqualified for quoting Jeffrey Archer <<

Actually I was quoting Tom Holt, who actually has a book of that name. So, B, you must be the one with the Jeffrey Archer fixation, not me.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Ligers and tigons

Post 43

Mu Beta

I have no shame.

I actually enjoy Jeffrey Archer books.

And he too has a book of that name. Ironically.


Ligers and tigons

Post 44

A Super Furry Animal

Jeffrey Archer: First Among Equals

Tom Holt: Faust Among Equals

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Ligers and tigons

Post 45

Mu Beta

I'd assumed your typing was to blame.


Ligers and tigons

Post 46

A Super Furry Animal

And we all know what "assume" makes, don't we? smiley - biggrin

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Ligers and tigons

Post 47

Mu Beta

We also know what ReddyFreddy makes, don't we?


Ligers and tigons

Post 48

A Super Furry Animal

Dam' good ice cream? A2339534

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Ligers and tigons

Post 49

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

....and he's never alone...........coz he has a mirror! smiley - winkeye

Ligers and tigons

Post 50


oh no, cross-thread pollution smiley - yikes

I get confuddled and befused very easily smiley - sadface

Ligers and tigons

Post 51

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

smiley - sorry my brain's a bit addled

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