A Conversation for 'Oink!' - the Controversial Children's Comic

Thank you

Post 1

Huw B

I have probably not even thought of Oink! for 5 years, 10 years or even more.....
Thank you for reminding me of this small but special creation.

A few points:-
Considering the quality of the strips I'm afraid that I remember "The Adventures of Death", "Mr Bignose" and "Psycho Gran" (or whatever the strips were called) as highlights every time they appeared. Psycho Gran's counting strip at the end of the pier was a classic. Mr Bignose in particular made no f*****g sense at all (I remember the chess board) but even a 3-square strip had nore originality than a week of ITV's current output.

On another point you refer to records. Am I right in remembering a special version of the Sugar Hill Gang's famous recording issued as a floppy see-through 45 record on the front of the comic? Something including "Don't eat me 'cause I'm made of ham - eat the nasty butcher man"

Any memories of this?

Thank you

Post 2

And Introducing... A Leg

Glad to have been of service! smiley - biggrin

Yes, it was the Oink! Psycho Rap, originally on a free record with The Oink! Song by the Oinkletts on the 'B' side ('Poop-poop tinkle-tinkle parp-parp oink'). It was later re-released on a proper vinyl disk with the Oink! Song promoted to co-'A' side and Frank Sidebottom's The Oink! Get-Together Song on the 'B' side, where he constantly told Little Frank he couldn't do his bit yet.

As for Mister Bignose: I'm going to train this goldfish to be my SLAVE.
M B: Sit!
M B: Heel!
M B: Beg!
Goldfish: Go away
M B: Oh, All Right.

That had me in physical pain, you know.

By the way, it's no coincidence that Burp is top of the list:

'I've brought this cake for Dr Devious'

'No presents for category 'A' prisoners'

'It's not a present. I just want him to billiously process it for me as only he can.'

smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Thank you

Post 3

Hilarious Joke

smiley - biggrin Do you know where I can see any strips from 'Oink!' on the internet? smiley - biggrin
smiley - laugh I have a big nose myself. I want to read about Mr Bignose. I think there is a great idea behind it (the surrealistic approach is just brilliant). I read Disney comics nowadays. Were Spiderman comics more popular than Oink! comics?
I feel like making my own Mr Bignose strip, off the top of my head.
Mr B. Hello, can I please have a milkshake?
Attendant. Sure, what flavour?
Mr B. Hold the fries.
Attendant. What fries?
Mr B. Those fries!
smiley - smooch

Ok, that was weird.
Are there any comics nowadays that are like Oink!?
'Hi, have you seen my tonsils?'
'My tonsils, have you seen them?'smiley - smooch

Thank you

Post 4

And Introducing... A Leg

Click on the link for Banx's site, he's put a few Mr Bignose Strips on there.

'I hate Christmas so much, I go to the moon to avoid it'smiley - sadface

Thank you

Post 5

Hilarious Joke

smiley - zen Have you heard of www.liquidgeneration.com?
It's so funny.

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