This is the Message Centre for BATWING1 Minister of Mirth Merriment and Insanity (portfolio)
OI YOU.... lol
Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever Started conversation Sep 8, 2004
hi there
hows it hangin'???? just noticed your name on the "who's online".... also noticed you have the "old me" on your list... i lost that page with that shite SSO...
click on my name from this msg and you'll get my new page... (if you want that is... lol)
hopw you are well....
sheryl.... xxxxxxxxx
OI YOU.... lol
BATWING1 Minister of Mirth Merriment and Insanity (portfolio) Posted Sep 8, 2004
hi sheryl
wot`s this "old me"
OI YOU.... lol
Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever Posted Sep 8, 2004
the "old me" is on the first page that i did here on h2g2.... after that silly SSO wotsit i lost my page, even tho' i still kept my original name... (confused by it all).. so i had to do a new page which i called "THE MAGICAL WORLD OF PAGANMOON 2".... or some such....
i need a now.... care to join me.......
OI YOU.... lol
Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever Posted Sep 8, 2004
i'm permenently confuzzled.... lol..
well i'm away now... got to be up at half past silly (6-30am) coz our shannon's started bedford high this term, and they got to be there at 8-25am latest.....
hope to chat soon luv.... sheryl... xxxxxxxxxx
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OI YOU.... lol
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