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No Subject

Post 21


arggg, the first 'lastly' should have said 'middledly" smiley - biggrin

No Subject

Post 22

Commander Band

Yes .. fingers can be so troublesome, I suspect mine of being an unruly pack of teenagers.

No Subject

Post 23


that would explain a lot. i hope they dont cost a lot to feed an house mister.

i will look out for you giving me a nudge and a wink in the general direction of a bit of hanky panky you have 'surrected'

there you go mister. dont go back to sleep now or i will have to have a party round you again smiley - smiley

trk smiley - zen

No Subject

Post 24


HI MISTER smiley - boing

did you have a nice holiday ???? smiley - titsmiley - snowball

wishing you a very happy and peaceful new year.

trk smiley - zen

No Subject

Post 25

Commander Band

Spiffing mid winter celebrations thanks, young daughter now thoroughly exposed to Santa Claus legend and vocably demanding Christmas every day. Have started counselling course to wean her from this appalling addiction.

Personal achievements over the period include the satisfactory consumption of one bottle best Warres' vintage port and the warm satisfaction of having accurately forecast significant others wishes and bought appropriate present.

May I be so bold as to ask whether you had similar successes over Beltane?

No Subject

Post 26


ello again mister smiley - biggrin

glad you survived the festivities in good spirits smiley - ghost and are successfully negotiating the ins and outs of pleasing your big and little women smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh they are very lucky.

i had a lively and wonderful time with family and negotiated all obstacles and extricated all spanners from the works. i am thinking about a holiday smiley - tongueout i have even been looking already. smiley - zen

i expect looking at your list of lovely things to do in 2003 has put a great big smile on your face - is that why you got that great big smile on your face mister? i bet that means your heart is all warm and cosy too smiley - tickle

smiley - cool where are them sunglasses...smiley - run



Post 27




coo i dunno, a fedora says father, a cap says casanova, a manky one with manager on, a helmet to dive with, an admiral's headgear, a ginger wig, a walking beanie, a troubadour's turban smiley - laughsmiley - laugh and them diving gogs have got barnacles, cooo mister - no wonder i havent heard from you in so long. smiley - tongueout

(i just read through this convo and it was a very nice interlude.)

hope your life is a blissfully happy one still.

smiley - hug TRK smiley - rose

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