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Cleaning house and other jobs

Post 1


Hannah and the boys come back today. They've been on holiday with her family while I've been at home.

So, I'll have to tidy the place up today. And get a haircut, I think. I'll buy her some flowers too.

And yet here I am, on hootoo while sitting in Sainsburys' cafe waiting for my Full English to arrive.

Which it just has. Prompt service here.

Cleaning house and other jobs

Post 2

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Get that pinny on, and get dusting... start at the top of the house, work your way down... 5 minutes each room, decluttering/tidying, collecting up laundry to go straight in the machine, and putting rubbish in the bins... then 5 minutes in each room, dusting, starting from the top of the house, down... then repeat, either sweeping and/or hoovering as appropiate, then repeat again, in any places requiring mopping... smiley - zen

Today's handy cleaning hints were brought to you by the number coffee and the colour vodka.

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