This is the Message Centre for h2g2 Friends Of LeisureDistrict [LD] (Digibox And PC Users)

Pages You Cannot Get

Post 1

h2g2 Friends Of LeisureDistrict [LD] (Digibox And PC Users)

We are (with a Awful lot of help from SEF) trying to find out what pages Digibox users can use and what pages they cannot.

Most important, we are trying to find out out how many links, pictures, smileys ect; it takes to stop the digibox loading the page

This way we hope to be able to people addvice on what to put on there pages, and be able to spot problems next time they arise

So if you can tell us here F97310?thread=343840&latest=1
of any page that you have trouble getting into we will have a look and try to find out the problem

manda smiley - peacedove

Pages You Cannot Get

Post 2

Researcher 220282

Hi Manda smiley - smiley

just thought do you want personal spaces that digiboxs cant get to as well smiley - erm

Jonathansmiley - zoom

Pages You Cannot Get

Post 3


Hi Jonathan smiley - ok

Yes please, personal spaces are the ones that are likely to change more,
so if you can get in one today but not tomorrow then (hopefully) we can find out what has been added

manda smiley - peacedove

Pages You Cannot Get

Post 4

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

is there something wrong with the "Who's Online?" page? Can PC users access it?


Pages You Cannot Get

Post 5


The "Who's Online" link given on the left of most pages doesn't work for digibox users because it includes an instruction to make a popup window. The page itself works fine for those who know how to make a simple link to it. Here is one for you <./>online</.>. To do that on your page it is:

<. />online</ .> in plain text mode (without the spaces)

Who's Online in GuideML mode

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