A Conversation for Popup Advertisements

I hate popups!!!

Post 1


I once got a popup that said: "are you tired of pop ups?"
ACK! I was ready to shoot that one! as a matter of fact, I did! (with a foam dart gun of course)

I find my dart gun a very handy thing to have by the computer. It also serves as a nice gun to shoot anyone who trys taking to computer from you! smiley - smiley

I hate popups!!!

Post 2

An Ambling Rambler

lol, what was the ad for?
I hate them too...

I hate popups!!!

Post 3

Researcher 207358

ohhh....... do you have to register for a foam gun? Can they come in silent models? ( could help with the pop-ups whose flashing .gifs that are louder than tourists' shirts)

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