A Conversation for Guinea Pigs
Guinea pigs
John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" Started conversation May 22, 1999
They are deep-fried and eaten in Peru.
Guinea pigs
wingpig Posted May 24, 1999
Why don't they eat Capybaras? They're massive and could surely sustain a family of four for a week. Maybe GPs fit nicely into a pitta. Do they taste nice?
Guinea pigs
John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" Posted May 24, 1999
Never had one. I don't think they're a staple part of the diet; more a festive kind of thing. They look delicious on the telly! All stiff and bloated, with a nice crackling.
Guinea pigs
wingpig Posted May 24, 1999
They eat muskrats in Africa or India somewhere. If humans started eating rats do you think we might develop immunity to Weil's Disease (leptospirosis)?. That would be handy. I'll put in the bit about them being eaten, anyway. Do Peruvians save on techno music by dancing to the sound of thousands of GPs squealing in terror as they're suspended over a vat of boiling batter?
Guinea pigs
John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" Posted May 24, 1999
I don't know. I'm not Peruvian. But I like to think that some do. I know I would. Maybe to them, though, the whole business is not such a big deal.
Guinea pigs
Pinback Posted Jul 2, 1999
Setting peru aside, Guinea pigs seem to get a certain buzz from certain plants. Letucce while being good, pales into insignifigance when the little blighters are exposed to dandilion leaves. check for council pesticide spraying though.
Guinea pigs
John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" Posted Jul 2, 1999
I wonder why. I've fed dandelions to prairie dogs, horses, bulls, and people, without noticing anything more than varying degrees of satisfaction. I don't think there is anything in the dandelions (unless it's the Council pesticide). Maybe there is something peculiar about GP's.
Guinea pigs
parlau Posted Jul 2, 1999
I thought that in S America the beasts are spitted (spat?) and roasted?
Guinea pigs
John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" Posted Jul 2, 1999
Could be. Probably are. On the telly, they were being deep fried. I heard once that they are served aboard the trains of the Trans-Andes railway. I think it is unlikely that they would be deep-fried on a train for safety reasons. There are bound to be GP recipes on the 'Net somewhere.
Guinea pigs
wingpig Posted Jul 5, 1999
My guinea pig loved daisies and dandelion leaves but would never eat them straight frm the earth - they had to be hand-picked and offered by a person. My guinea pig also willingly leapt from a metre-high windowsill to the floor, so I wouldn't trust it's judgement. A squirrel once got into the pig's run to pick up some sort of nut thing - the guinea pig saw this and ate one too.
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Guinea pigs
- 1: John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" (May 22, 1999)
- 2: wingpig (May 24, 1999)
- 3: John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" (May 24, 1999)
- 4: wingpig (May 24, 1999)
- 5: John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" (May 24, 1999)
- 6: Pinback (Jul 2, 1999)
- 7: John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" (Jul 2, 1999)
- 8: parlau (Jul 2, 1999)
- 9: John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!" (Jul 2, 1999)
- 10: Pinback (Jul 2, 1999)
- 11: wingpig (Jul 5, 1999)
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