This is the Message Centre for akira100

happy sunday!!

Post 1

kri stickle mass

hi petey-wetey, you're up bright and early and bushy tailed too by the sound of it up the gorge !!smiley - cool

i am sitting here with a smiley - biggrin and a cyber smiley - cuddle jes for you

smiley - love kris

happy sunday!!

Post 2

kri stickle mass

just testing to see if i can bump this message to the l h side of your page so you can notice it smiley - tongueout

happy sunday!!

Post 3


Morning kris

Thanks for the smiley - biggrin and the smiley - hug . What a nice way to brighten up a wet weekend!

I know what you mean about noticing the messages. It's so easy to miss the top ones and go straight to the ongoing righthand side ones. (Did that make sense smiley - huh)

As there's no decent football on tv today, I'm looking forward to a full day's film watching. I've got about five films and a nice bottle of red wine set up for this afternoon. All's well with the world. smiley - smiley

Reading beat Watford yesterday. smiley - biggrin That's five wins out of six games, I think. People are starting to whisper "Premiership" around town. A bit premature going by recent play-off results, but fingers crossed.

smiley - cheers


happy sunday!!

Post 4

kri stickle mass

hi peter,

i will be watching alan smith if they show leeds on sky today. i have to work a bit first. hope you enjoy your films,. will say hello later on. chin chin

smiley - cheers kris

happy sunday!!

Post 5


Sky is showing Charlton versus Blackburn so I won't be getting excited about that smiley - biggrin

Later dude

smiley - cheers

happy sunday!!

Post 6


Hi Kris and Peter,

Apologies for butting in. Kris, I've left a "new" conversation for you in your space. It's about the 5 Live boards. I'm having probs with them.

Right - off to watch the footie!

smiley - cheers

happy sunday!!

Post 7

kri stickle mass

it turned out to be an exciting one peter. i didnt see it cos i was working smiley - wizard

did you know that there is a wolf reserve in reading and you can go for walks with the wolves (if you pay membership fee)- it is one of the things i am going to do before next september.

i cant believe you are watching 5 films back to back. smiley - boing i can barely sit still for one. howse it going there dude? smiley - cool

smiley - rose kris

happy sunday!!

Post 8


I don't think I'll make it to five films today after all. I've watched three - and a new Simpsons episode on Sky (special guests included Mick Jagger, Keef Richards, Elvis Costello, Lenny Kravitz and Tom Petty!) smiley - tongueout Maybe one more later before the Sopranos.

I used to go up to London on my own and go to see as many films as I could fit in in one day. One morning show, lunch, an early afternoon film, an early evening film, a meal and a mid evening film and catch the last train back to Reading. My idea of a good time! smiley - biggrin

I'll be around in the morning for a chat if you're about. I always enjoy your company

smiley - smiley


happy sunday!!

Post 9

kri stickle mass

hi peter, smiley - cuddle

thanks for the invite, i got here eventually. i have to try and squeeze pc in with other things.

i loved the post on male and female computers. that was a lovely touch smiley - tongueout i am staying off the messageboards almost entirely for a bit or i would have said on the finally board. i am busy till early evening now but will come and find where you are playing, if you want to leave me a note

smiley - love

smiley - rose kris

happy sunday!!

Post 10


We're doing a Bond spoof on Mornington Crescent at the moment. It's the type of game I enjoy the most. smiley - biggrin

Between postings I'm watching my Buffy the Vampire Slayer DVDs smiley - tongueout.

At six-thirty tonight I (and most of the other guys) shall be listening to I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue on Radio Four.smiley - cheers The rest of the evening is going to be taken up with some Hong Kong film DVDs and more postings. Maybe a little smiley - redwinesmiley - smiley....

See you later, Kris smiley - hug


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