This is the Message Centre for Scarlet Woman

Pssst ..!

Post 1


Hello Chelsea Girl! How are you my dear?

Re: "...and finally!" I suspect Dagmar is a female name isn't it?

Pssst ..!

Post 2

Pat Pending

PS CG: Bradford Quigley is, as I understand it (at least, so a friend tells me), female as well next time you're over on "........and finally".

BTW: I think you're great.

Pssst ..!

Post 3


Oi.!! Leave my posh bird alone PP... "I think you're great!" INDEEDY INDEEDY!!

Go on be off with you before I set the dogs on you.

Pssst ..!

Post 4

Pat Pending

Nah nah nah nah nah: still here.

And, I still think you're great CG.

Oh, and Bushy? I got to exchange the phrase "well hung" with CG yesterday down in Cheddar Gorge: beat that.

Pssst ..!

Post 5


Hmmm... can't beat that I'm afraid PP! However; I did dress up as a pirate slave whilst she pretended to be my mistress!! Ooh! I'm all of a quiver again CG!

Pssst ..!

Post 6

Scarlet Woman


Silly me! But it was a laugh - may be I shall have Dagmar and her chums as playmates!

Now you boys shouldn't squabble - there's plenty for all - esp if the Germans pile in too...


smiley - fairy

Pssst ..!

Post 7


My Dearest Sweet Chelsea Girl,

Pop over to Pat's or mine personal space and follow the "Is this ..." thread for full details on our German Exchange Student Girls! Perhaps some MC-H'ers may be able to assist? Remember though, discretion is our watch word! smiley - winkeye

Pssst ..!

Post 8

Scarlet Woman

May I discreetly ask where this Linda/Jennie thread is?

smiley - fairy

Pssst ..!

Post 9


Click on my name on the top of this message! Then look for the "Is this..." thread! You might want to scroll through quickly as it is quite long now ... Bit like the submarine you might say??

Pssst ..!

Post 10

Pat Pending


Bushy's right so far as concerns the conversation on this site, but the relevant MB threads are on your old friend 5L "....and finally". Just do "Latest Messages" to get the drift: Jennie needs a gentle lash of your tongue. Grrrrrr..........

Pssst ..!

Post 11

Pat Pending

Sorry, that "Grrrrrrr........" came out completely wrong. It was meant to indicate a frisson of excitement at the very mention of "lash" and "your tongue" in the same sentence.

Pssst ..!

Post 12


He's at it again!! Oi.!! PP I think Dagmar would suit you ...

Pssst ..!

Post 13

Scarlet Woman

I have spent so long reading through your 'planning thread' that I've probably missed all the real fun!

BTW I do not have any other names I post under! - far too complicated for me!

I see the Penis thread has gone - shame!

Look forward to you making me laugh tomorrow...

smiley - fairy

Pssst ..!

Post 14

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Scarlet Woman is now at the above address!

smiley - fairy

Pssst ..!

Post 15

Pat Pending

Morning SW,

Does that mean you're sorted now and don't need the Bushwhack'd's assistance? How did you do it?

Pssst ..!

Post 16

Scarlet Woman

Morning Pat Pen,

God know's what's happening now! I seem to be allowed back in to my original space - having told all and sundry that I've moved!

I did it by creating a new hotmail address and registering again - I shouldn't have been so impatient should I!

My new space is Scarlet Woman (New and Improved)! I guess I will have to check both for a while until everyone decides which they are going to use. I shall try and put myself as a 'friend' at the bottom of each one.

Thanks - don't bother Bushy - smiley - fairy

Pssst ..!

Post 17


Morning people! Don't bother what?

Pssst ..!

Post 18

Pat Pending

Chelsea Girl needed a "hand" last night: I didn't think I was up to the "job" and said I'd point you in her direction this morning. But she seems to have relieved her frustrations over night without our assistance. She might however still need your help, but I'll leave her to ask if she does.

Pssst ..!

Post 19

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Thank you PP and Bushy,

I did indeed manage to achieve a degree of satisfaction last night!
Though I now have a total of 3 ID's on h2g2 - but will only be visiting the SW and SW (New and Improved)!

smiley - lovesmiley - fairy

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