A Conversation for Circle of Power.

Social contact as prevention

Post 1


Now, when the dust has landed on the ground about the news of horror in Austria one can read the first analysing of Austrian daily life.
I call it the "Grüss Gott" culture as it is in my view also in Switzerland en Southern Germany.

I agree with the "enfant terrible" of the Austrian establishment, "that behind the doors in Austria there is a "hotbed of all kinds of neuroses".

When I saw the interview by the BBC with Natascha Kampusch last week about her own daily life and her comments about this new incident, she was reacting with a lot of wisdom and intelligence.

Still, I slowly get the impression she starts to clean up her history and presents it as "something that will never disappear in my life", while it's just 24 months ago after eight years in a cell under the floor. When I see her glossy website and hear that she starts with her own TV show in Austria in september, I'm afraid that unconsciously
she anticipates the "Grüss Gott" culture that wants such horror incidents to be polished away as soon as possible.

That kind of reflex also came into my mind when I saw the prime minister of the Austrian cabinet almost yelling with a microphone in his hand that "we do not want to be hijacked by the cruelty of just one man!!"
Why was he shouting, what had to be defended?

The reactions of the neighbourhood where it all happened, showed more wisdom to me, by collectively going out on the street, with candles, not only to mourn ,"but to show that we, as a community, live our private lives too isolated from each other. There is too little social contact in our daily lives".

Social contact as prevention

Post 2


smiley - doh Alfredo? Where did you spring from?

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Social contact as prevention

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