This is the Message Centre for Researcher 200294
Welcome to h2g2!
Robert Started conversation Aug 10, 2002
Hello and welcome to h2g2!
I'm one of the site's Aces, and it is my job to meet and greet new researchers and make sure that they are OK and can find their way around the site. To help you, I've compiled a list of some useful pages that you might want to surf through. Have fun!
The Front Page contains links to many popular parts of the sites and features dynamic informationa about new, popular and interesting articles.
Clicking on the 'My Space' button takes you to your Personal Space, which shows information about any guide entries which you have contributed to, as well as conversations you've posted in.
A page well worth looking at is the <./>Welcome</.> page. Here you can find out some general information about the guide and links to help pages.
May I also suggest visiting the <./>GuideML-Clinic</.>? GuideML is the computer language that h2g2 uses, and this page will help you to fill your user space with all sorts of neat stuff. Getting to know GuideML is worthwhile, as any Guide entries that you make should be coded in this language.
If you are wondering how to make the smiley pictures like then click on <./>Smiley</.> which will take you to a page which shows all of the smileys. You can also click on smilies in conversations (like this one) to see what they mean.
Are you feeling a bit lost? Clicking on <./>DontPanic</.> will take you to the help pages, or feel free to ask me by clicking on the reply button below, and I will do as much as I can to help.
The <./>Contribute</.> page will tell you ways to add an entry to the guide, how to write an effective entry, how to become a volunteer (like me), and much more!
There are many other places to go on h2g2 - after all, this is a Guide to the Galaxy! If you need help about anything, want to know some good things to read, would like some information, etc., just drop me a line by replying to this message, or contacting me on my Personal Page! I'm an official Guru, which means that the Italics (the nickname for the bosses of the site) have decided that I'm particularly good at answering questions, so fire away!
If you do write anything here, my Personal Space will be updated, telling me about it, so I'll be able to come running the next time I'm online
Hopefully, I'll see you around!
Welcome to h2g2!
Researcher 200294 Posted Aug 10, 2002
Hello, Robert.
I will certainly be looking into everything that this site has to offer. Thank you for the information.
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Welcome to h2g2!
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."