This is the Message Centre for valis
TIMELORD Started conversation Aug 9, 2002
Hello and welcome to h2g2 we are a friendly bunch and like to greet the newcomers so i thought i would stop by and say hello.
We have a group called A.C.E.s there assistant community editors who will drop by and leave a few of these
They are very helpful like that but until one drops by if there is anything that you would like just reply to this message or drop by my homepage by clicking on my name and ask me there.
valis Posted Aug 9, 2002
Why hello there. Nice to meet you. I actually used to live here alot about 3 or so years ago. Alot has changed.....
Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse Posted Aug 10, 2002
*sweeping in*
3 years ago? Then you must be one of those researchers with a 5-digit researcher number..<--(green with envy)
If you've forgotten your password, try sending a mail to [email protected] with all the details you can possibly remember
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