This is the Message Centre for Trout Montague

Dear Emil,

Post 1

Trout Montague

With the untimely insolvency of your package holiday group sponsor, our vision is to have our logo CRAP writ large above each player’s number, with our motif "In pursuit of Uranus" appearing just below the waistband of the short. We think that you would be as excited by this prospect as we are.

As such, to this end, we enclose $5/- in contribution to the costs of screen-printing and look forward to next season and seeing through the corporate haze of a box of hospitality our CRAP all over your shirts, and "Proud Sponsors of the CRAP Ammers" spattered all over our corporate
stationery, and our rocket.

We shall hear from you.

Forever blowin' bubbles,

Trout Montague
e-mission controller

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