This is the Message Centre for BobTheFarmer

Love isn't enough.

Post 1


OK, ignoring the bravado of last week the reality is finally setting in.

No more Kim.

Which is shiote really. We both love each other, both want to be with each other, it's just that when we are with each other half the time it's perfect and the other half we're screaming at each other.

God knows we tried to make it work so much. And tried, and tried. We couldn't.

But that doesn't make it any easier knowing that. Knowing that she's missing me as Im missing her.

So to all you hopeless romantics who declare "Love shall conquer all!!!"

Well, what I have to say to that wouldn't get through the profanity filter of this place.

Because it doesn't conquer all.

And that really sucks.

Love isn't enough.

Post 2


smiley - hug

No. Love can't conquer everything. And that hurts too.

smiley - fairy

Love isn't enough.

Post 3


Crying to your boss at work ain't a big look. I'm bloody pathetic right now.

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