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Fun Times

Post 1


I was just surfing the guide(my newest past time) And I saw ssomeone who hasn't put any journal entries. I read what it said and thought, "I better go write some kind of journal entry so that My site doesn't say that." So here I am writing about random stuff. I had a good day. I worked at OMSI (a science museum in portland(if you live in portland you know what I'm talking about))for most of the day. I got to play with a microscope looking at strange creatures. Very exciting. now I am sure you are bored. you don't acctually have to be reading this but I guess you can if you really want. when I got home I just came on H2G2 and surfed the guied. I read in the Salmon Of Doubt that you could get the guide on your cell phone. if anyone knows how to do this then please tell me. I just recently got back from a vacation. on this vacation I saw 4 plays. all of them very good. I am VERY sure that you are bored now so i will just say goodbye for now!


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