This is the Message Centre for Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

hello gloucester fairy

Post 1

Dirty Len's dirty lense


Always good to see fellow Gloucester people who know what the Internet is,
ha ha. ( Apologies if you are 'Local')

If you is part of the Stripey tight brigade then maybe I've seen you in Crackers? Terrible hole, but I have played there a couple of times, and there aint many alternative nights around since Axiom closed down.

Anyway, looking forward to your entry. Maybe you could check out mine.
It is an Alternative guide to Newent, where I live now. Maybe you will be inspired to start something about Gloster.

alsmiley - magic

hello gloucester fairy

Post 2

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

Sorry baby but im not from Gloucester! im from Glasgow... you know... in Scotland?lolz.mwah!... were u drunk when u wrote that message to me?!xxx

hello gloucester fairy

Post 3

Evoot - Back in Black!!

soz to but in this convo but im from glos and am called clairey, that msg werent for me??? lol

soz Tiara kitten etc


hello gloucester fairy

Post 4

Tiara.Kitten*Valentine Cat*

oh gawd im all confused! who was the message for?!xxx

hello gloucester fairy

Post 5

Evoot - Back in Black!!


i dunno.... but i know wats hes own about, i know where this club is and stufff,lol

ur off ld too rite?? lol, u know via? x

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